
Shopaholics Anonymous

Hi. I'm Cassandra, and I'm a shopaholic. Well, an online shopaholic, to be precise. I can't stop myself. I find all of these deliciously alluring products, and with a few clicks of a mouse, and a few weeks later, they are delivered to my door. No battling the zombie mall people, scary salespeople, or idiots who don't know what they are doing and shouldn't be allowed to breed. I should start a support group. Or is there one already? But if I started my own, then only the cool kids could join...Okay, maybe it's not only online purchasing...I don't have a closet full of clothing with tags still attached, but, um...have you seen my makeup CASE lately?? It's pretty bad when the sales girls at MAC recognize you, and have a pretty good idea of what you already own...the thing is, is that since I always do different things with my makeup, I do use it all. Hmm...come to think of it, I do have a closet full of shoes that I should deal with...And...how many winter jackets does one person need? Okay, you guys, I have a problem. I do. I fully admit it. I just bought a scent collection of products from Victoria's Secret..."Vanilla Lace"...mmmmmmmmm...I can't wait! Yup. Not only am I a music junkie and a movie junkie, but I'm also a beauty product junkie. (Russ or my sisters or Steph or Rebecca could vouch for that) Man. Well, in classic junkie fashion, here's where I start pointing fingers at others...You know who you are. So I say, Shopaholics...UNITE!! Maybe we could fight crime...

1 comment:

Old Earth Accretionist said...

*starts twitching at the netspeak and spelling errors*

(my friend Rachelle often accuses me of being a grammar/spelling Nazi)

....anyhow that is not the point...

I'm not a huge shopper... the crowds and actual trip to the stores is a large enough deterrent... get me in a book shop or music store, however.... plus my slight obsession with Jewelry... I don't wear too much but I love it....

and it is a very good thing I don't have a credit card because the number of things I would buy online if I did.... Ai! It would not be good.

I'm not what I would call a shopoholic... but I am definitely a 'hole in the pocket' type person... so I can understand it Cass...

Over and out
