
I Think I Have the BrainRot...

I'm supposed to be writing an excessively long literary review on anorexia nervosa for my medical anthropology class, complete with an annotated bibliography...due tuesday...however, I have a final on tuesday as well, so I have to have the paper finished by Monday so that I can study for the final. (Hooray for Faulknerian sentences!!) I haven't started it yet...in fact, I haven't even got all my sources together yet...and now I am writing a post...Hooray for procrastination!! I can't wait for this semester to be over...I hope that next semester doesn't suck mooseballs...My classes appear to be potentially interesting, so we shall see.

I'm so proud of myself! I have over half of my Christmas shopping done!! I think that it is a great feeling to have all my shopping done...I'll have to wait until after the 7th to finish though, because by then, I will be done school for the semester!! It is snowing out...I have mixed feelings about that, because it never feels like Christmas without snow, but it was so WARM!!! Oh well...so it goes. I must say that I am getting sick of Christmas music though...we aren't allowed to play anything BUT at the Cup, and there are only so many songs available...so yeah...

I'm addicted to online shopping. Especially sephora and amazon...they are so great...and it actually is a good thing in terms of purchasing because I have to really decide whether or not I want something before ordering, plus I can get stuff that is hard-to-find or inaccessible for me...I highly recommend it...if you have a small amount of willpower, that is. I just bought the new Rammstein album, Reise, Reise. I love them!! There's something about a bunch of dorky guys singing in german...

Wow...I'm really rambling about nothing now...shows how much I DON'T want to work on that stupid paper....However... I think my OVID session is gonna time-out soon, so gotta get back to it...

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