In just thirty short days, I will totally be married!! How crazy and weird is that?! Don't worry....I don't plan on going into a big long squee about bouquets and centerpieces and favors. I don't think any of that stuff really matters, and besides, it's all taken care of. I just needed to put down in words what I've been trying to wrap my brain around for the last couple of days--the wait is almost over. I just have to remind myself that all the little things will get done, and what doesn't, isn't important anyways. As long as we have a marriage license and a minister, we're good to go! So, in just thirty days, I'll be partying with friends and family, and dreaming about escaping to Hawaii with my husband.
Never underestimate the value of the company of good friends. It shouldn't be surprising that spending just a few minutes with a friend can completely change your mood or your day, but it still never ceases to amaze me. As I sit here, late at night, with a random episode of Friends playing in the background, I am thinking over the last few days, and all the friend face time I've been lucky enough to enjoy!
We had the pleasure of attending two beautiful weddings on Saturday--Congrats to Elizabeth & Nathan, and Shea & Jason, by the way!! As we were sitting with friends at Shea and Jason's reception, someone mentioned that the next wedding that we would all be congregating at would be ours, and it was actually surreal to think about. August 23 seems so very very far away, and will be here in a blink of an eye. I would love to just stop and enjoy every single second leading up to it, but, unfortunately, life generally does not allow that sort of thing. I'll have to be satisfied with what I AM able to savor...
Someone asked one of my sisters whether she thought I would be a bridezilla or a calm, relaxed bride, and she said it could go either way. I honestly am calm. If things don't go according to plan, we make a new plan. If the church burns down the day of the wedding, I'll have the ceremony out front. All that matters is that I marry the most amazing man on earth. That rejuvenating feeling I get when I'm with friends is multiplied many times over when I'm with him, and I want that feeling for the rest of our lives. He is totally my zen garden. He calms me down and evens me out. Even though his weird quirks drive me crazy sometimes, I do love him for them...they're what makes him, him. Fifty-one days seems like quite a long time, and there is so very much left to do, but at the same time, I kind of wish that it was fifty-two days from now....