
God Really Smiled on ME Today!

So on Mon, Wed, Fri, I have my Shakespeare class. Yesterday after class, my prof. caught me on my way out, and asked if I could have a meeting with him before next class, in regards to my paper that was due on Monday. So of course, I start instantly freaking out, in the wonderful way that I always do. I made a meeting with him for today @ 3pm. I spent all last night freaking out, fretting, going over my paper in my head. I was sick all weekend, and, being the marvolous procrastinator that I am, I was up until 3am Monday morning writing the stupid thing, all doped up on Contac C. I spent most of last night praying that it wasn't anything major...maybe that I had forgot to document a source that I cited on my Works Cited page, or even better, that he had me mistaken for another person in my group. ( I don't talk much in class, so I think that the only way he would know me is through my group that I sit with every class...) So, needless to say, I didn't get much sleep last night, and I sat freaking out through all of my classes today, and right through the meeting. I sat down with my prof, and he asked me about a particular passage in the paper, and said it sounded odd, and asked if it was from a secondary source. I didn't recognize the passage, but I told him the whole story about being sick and out of it, with the idea that handing in a crappy paper was better than not handing in anything at all. So he asked me to take the paper home, check for things that should be credited to a secondary source, and bring in all of the sources. Okay...I can do that. So I get home, and start skimming it. And I'm not getting any of it. I honestly don't remember writing any of it, but I was REALLY out of it...
And then I started noticing all kinds of grammatical errors...and so I turn to the front...and it WASN'T MY PAPER!!!!!!!!!!!! It was a paper by one of the girls that sits next to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He never actually called me by name, and I didn't get a chance to actually look at the paper until I got home. And IT WASN'T MY PAPER!!!!!!!! So I frantically emailed him, and tried to call his office, but he had already left for the day...so now I not only have to give him this girl's paper, but I look like a total retard for not recognizing that the paper wasn't mine! I cannot stress enough that I was really sick and doped up on Contac C. (If anyone has seen me on Contac C, you'll understand...) So all that prayin' paid off...it really was a big mistake!! Of course, of all the people I know...this stuff always happens to me...Steve was right when he once told me that my life is one giant soap opera...

Oh yeah. HAPPY ST. PADDY'S DAY!! (gotta keep connected to my Irish roots...)


Operation Hipster Chic

Operation Hipster Chic is officially underway. I believe that all agents have been briefed, and we are now prepared to plan the first mission. The MO is clear, but the way of reaching that MO is not. Any agents with any ideas let me know, as I am eager to get this underway.


Stupid Computer...Whatever...

So now I have decided that the Sims are minions of Satan. Well, that may be an exaggeration...but they DID crash the computer, so I have decided that I shall wash my hands of Reno and Vendetta Stitch. For now....
I have been looking at the building across the alley from time to time, and have noticed that one of the balcony has an extra bar around the top of it...I wonder what purpose it serves, and what makes that balcony so special that it has that little extra bit of metal?
As it is plain to see, I really do NOT want to read the first act of Hamlet again, and am looking for distractions. I'm tired of being in school, but I don't really want to be done yet, because that means I have to find a REAL job...maybe I'll become a professional student and try to get more letters after my name than are in my name. Such an ambitious goal...or a stupid one...


Excitement at the Albany.

So I was sitting here at the computer, NOT playing Sims, and the fire alarm goes off. Now for most of you, this is a big deal! The building is on fire! Not so with the residents of the Albany. We slowly gather in the starwells, mumbling ill will under our breath...yet we are not worried. Why? Because this is not the first time it has happened. It is not the second time, or the third, or the fourth, or even the fifth. No this is about the TENTH time it has happened in the last 8 or so months. Only once was there actually a fire, and that was a minor blaze in the garbage room that started when some idiot threw a cigarette down the chute. No, the other times all occured because someone was just brilliant enough to pull the alarm. However, upon reaching the lobby, I knew this time was different. A police car was parked right outside the doors, and the officer was on his way in. Another car pulled up behind the first. Four officers proceeded to the 13th floor, where the alarm was pulled. Then the fire trucks arrived, six in total. Only four or five firefighters went in, in full gear. A short time later, the police officers emerged from the elevator, with a very sketchy looking gentleman in handcuffs. In natural fashion, a long string of swearing was spewing from his mouth, as the officers practically had to drag him to one of the cars. The crowd of residents began applauding and laughing. The "gentleman" continued to struggle and curse the officers, to the point where they had to have him down on the ground to restrain him. With that, the firefighters emerged from the building, telling us that we could all return to our homes...
I'm feeling an awful lot of satisfaction right now.

Sims are Taking Over!

The Sims are taking over my life! Russ had it on the desktop, and so I sat down to play...and didn't get up from the computer until FIVE HOURS LATER! This is just rediculous! I have to stop. Is there a Simaholics Anonymous somewhere that I can join? Alissa, you've been through this, do you have any suggestions on how I can walk away in Platinum Mood?? Stupid computer games....