Today we celebrate one month of marriedness! It's hard to believe that it's already been a month, and yet, at the same time, it seems like it was forever ago...
Russ bought me the new David Usher CD which came out today. He knows me so well.
The mattress set that my parents bought us as a wedding gift finally arrived on Saturday. We don't have a bed frame yet, as the one we want is currently sold out until Friday, but we set them up on the floor, and it was probably one of the best sleeps I've had in YEARS!!!! I actually felt rested when I woke up!
We went and used some of our wedding money to buy a steaming jug and thermometer for Francis, as well as a magical butter crock that allows you to keep your butter on the counter, so that it's spreadable, without it going rancid! Everyone should have one!
My...I feel so domestic today, raving about various household gadgets. I guess this is what happens when one joins the ranks of the Smug Marrieds...
I've heard rancid butter and marriages don't go well together. I'm glad you've addressed that early on! Sawheet, one month already!
Haha...I too have heard that. We wouldn't want to divorce over wasted butter.
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