Have you ever noticed that some people have a way of making the most pedestrian, everyday things seem magical and epic? I have such a hard time turning my everyday experiences into some sort of lesson or pondering, which is why I hardly ever post. I feel like things are boring for ME, so why would anyone else want to read about it?? That's not me being self-deprecating, just honest and practical. Since I'm pretty sure that no one reads this anyways, that's all fine and dandy...but if someone does happen to stumble across this little blog, I don't want to bore them to tears! So, I could post everyday, about everyday things...or I could post once in a while, when inspiration strikes. Or, I could attempt to do both. I do want to post more...perhaps I'll just start typing and hope something decent comes out of it...
On a side note, hooray for RED wedding shoes!!
I decided to take a peek at your blog.. I'm glad I did! Hooray for red wedding shoes!!
Yay! I'm glad you read my blog!
You're not boring at all! I like reading your blog :-) The red shoes look cool, especially if they're for a wedding! How Chinese of you.
Most of the time it is in the ordinary that I see the most beauty so go ahead and blog about it anytime you please!
Yay for red shoes! They are so ridiculously cute!
Our show on the weekend went pretty well thanks for asking friend!
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