
The Conversion...

I feel that it is time for my to explain how the idea for this blog was planted. One of my favorite co-workers one day sent me a link to her blog, Life's Anthems. I read it, and thought it was awesome, just like Erika. I thought that if I could create something even half as cool as the things she has posted, then I'd be in business. Although she is the Scapegoat, in this case, i think, she can take CREDIT, rather than blame. Thanks Erika.


Erika said...

Aawww. Thanks Cass. Does that mean I'm not the scapegoat anymore??? Oh, and YOUR blog rocks... just like you.
I liked the poem too. You should write more!

Cass said...

Yes Erika. You are no longer my scapegoat. That has been passed on to....hmm...Alissa now.

Erika said...

YES! And just to get this out in the open now... I DID NOT break the new glass cookie jar lid! :)

Cass said...

I know. It was all Steph!